Friday, May 24, 2013

Some Gave All- Memorial Day

Memorial Day is this weekend! I caught myself getting excited about the extra day off that I get. I've been texting my friends this week asking them what their plans were, arranging beach BBQs and bonfires. While scrolling down my facebook today, something caught my eye posted by a friend with a husband in 3/5.

"I hope civilians find more solace in memorial day than I do. Many seem to forget why it exists in the first place, and spend the time looking for good sales or drinking beers on the back porch. It's a long weekend, not a period of personal reflection. At the same time, many incorrectly thank Vets or active duty folks for their service. While appreciated, its misdirected. That's what veterans day is for. Instead, they should take some time and remember the spirit of the country and the dedication of those men and women who chose to pick up arms. They never came home to be thanked, and only their memory remains."

I thought this was beautifully written without sounding too condescending or harsh, since people get offended so easily nowadays. It is my absolute pet peeve when people thank active duty military on Memorial day though. Get a clue! It is so disrespectful. I'm so thankful for those that have laid down their lives and paid the ultimate sacrifice. God bless our Military! My thoughts are with the family and friends of those who are not with us to be acknowledged on Monday for their service. I am so proud to be an American. Because of the price that was paid, I can spend my weekend with my friends and family enjoying the things I love. Thank you.

"Freedom is not free"

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Today my tolerance level was at an all time low. Maybe it's from working too much, or life just taking its toll! I came home and every little thing my hubby was doing... or not doing, got on my nerves! His laundry I had spent time folding was all over the floor, his breakfast dishes were still on the table, and  his uniforms that I had recently ironed were hanging over our dining room table chairs with new wrinkles. When I came though the door, a list of expletives began to build in my head. That ******! But then he peaked around the corner with his handsome smile, and my heart just... melted. And all the great things I love about him came flooding into my mind. That time he drove an hour to meet me for lunch when I was in nursing school, when he hid a pair of diamond earrings for me to find in my scuba gear bag. When he comes home from work and brings me in flowers he picked from outside. Sometimes the people who are closest to us in our lives can drive us crazy! If we forget to stop and think about the good when the bad happens, thats when it can get ugly. My best friend and maid of honor had this splendid idea for couples to list marriage advice for us to read at our engagement party. Here are some of my favorites! The recipe for a happy marriage: 

  • Start each day with gratitude and compassion for each other. Give more than you think the other needs. Trust, respect and appreciate each other. Say "i love you" and "thank you" every day. 
  • Hold hands every chance you get.
  • Have hobbies together!
  • Don't direct statements in an arguments with "you" accusations. Instead use, "i feel like" 
  • Go to sleep at the same time together.
  • Learn how to be a good forgiver.
  • Never argue in your bed room. The bed is for sleeping and for sex only.
  • Make one night a week date night. Invest in you as a couple.
  • Allow each other to have your space and to pursue your own passions 
  • Don't put yourself in places that could get you into trouble.  
  • Be careful with who you vent about your spouse to.  You need someone who will be able to forgive his/her flaws and not remind you of them ever time you talk.  
  • Marriage isn't a 50/50 deal. It's 100/100. 
  • Marriage is not a noun; it's a verb. It isn't something you get. It's something you do. It's the way you love your partner every day.
  • 1. Alyssa is always right.
  • 2. If you think your right, refer back to #1. 
lol Just kidding about that last one. But someone really did write that. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Hump day bloggers! What a hectic, crazy, busy, beautiful Wednesday! I came home from work today and my dog, Bane, was laying in our hallway waiting for me. My heart melted a little:) I hate leaving him all day, I feel so guilty. Hubby and I are trying to get a house on base so that Bane can have a yard to play in during the day and not be all cooped up inside. Well, thats not the only reason we want to move, but its one of the many! The only problem is...Camp Pendleton has a ban on pit bulls! Now don't get me wrong, I own a pittie, but I am very aware of how dangerous they can be if they are mistreated or raised in a violent environment. They are extremely active and powerful dogs and that can go the wrong way. But...they can also be phenomenal, loving, gentle and loyal creatures. Like Bane! And along with being a great dog, Bane is also a registered service animal! I think I mentioned earlier that I am a type 1 diabetic. My MD wrote me a prescription for a diabetic alert dog, and we had Bane trained and registered as a service animal. However, Lincoln Military housing is trying to tell me that even though he is a service animal he still isn't allowed on base. I have no idea how that makes sense?! How can they go against a federal law that says a service animal must be allowed to accompany their owner even in areas where animals are banned, unless the dog is acting violently or posing a threat to others. Makes 0 sense to me. Then again, most of military stuff makes 0 sense to me. LOL Lincoln housing even had me enroll in this program called "exceptional family member" which is supposed to be an advocate for disabled people and their needs. But once I was accepted they pretty much said, never mind he's still not allowed. Well you know what, SCREW YOU Lincoln Military housing!!! Guess we will keep looking for a place to call home. Travis is in the field this week so I am on the prowl myself! Well, thats all I've got for tonight! Except for a picture of a big mean pitbull I'm going to post. Those rotten animals!;)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hello World

Well Hello Blogger's! It is good to be back, it's sure been a while! I decided to create a new blog since I haven't been on my old blog in so long, I cant even remember my email or password to log on! Can't say that really surprises me though. Life has changed so drastically since then too, might as well start fresh and clean! Since this is my first post, I will tell you a little about myself. I'm 21 years old, and I graduated from nursing school last year and recently got my nursing license. Currently I work for JDRF (The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) and I also work for a Hospice company. It takes a lot out of me being a hospice nurse, its pretty depressing work. Currently I am looking for a new job so I don't get what they call nurses burnout, also I would like to work with patients that are actually going to get better, instead of die on my every time!:( I love kids and ultimately want to work in pediatrics! I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as a young child, which was what made me want to become a nurse. As I said in my About Me, I am married to a US Marine. Travis and I got married in August of 2011 and it has been a wild ride since! In the best way possible. I have gone through 2 deployments with him, and he will be leaving for his 3rd in just a few months. Hopefully his last one! Being a Marine wife has its challenges, distance being the biggest, but he is worth it! I have also met some awesome people along the way. Last year we adopted Bane, a beautiful blue nose pit bull. Naturally he gets a bad rap because of his breed, but he is the sweetest most cuddly little guy. I never was one of those "dog people,"in fact I thought those people were weird. But after we got him, I became one of "those." Big time. We don't have any children so literally he is my baby. My blog name "Pittie Party" was inspired by him! I love him so much!
 Right now as a new wife and a new nurse, I'm kind of in limbo with what I would consider as my hobbies. I used to be a competitive dancer, an avid kick boxer, rock climber, and I played the guitar. Nursing school kind of occupied all my time for a good while though and I haven't seemed to go back to those old hobbies of mine. I do enjoy camping, hiking, cooking, DIY projects, and I have always loved to shop and decorate. I live in a beach town so when I'm not at work I spend 90% of my time at the beach. I love JESUScountry music, iced tea, and coffee. My favorite TV shows to watch are Sons of Anarchy, Greys Anatomy and Nashville. Wrapping it up, I hope you will continue to follow me and get to know me better! I love to make new friends!